Logline: The sometimes triumphant, yet often heartbreaking true tale of a young Virginian slave who wins his freedom in America only to have his rightful place in history cruelly stripped from him in a boxing ring in England.
Synopsis: Based on
true-life people
and events of early
1800s, the story’s
central character
is Tom Molineaux,
a 25-year old Virginian
slave who
begins in captivity
in America and ends
up a free man in Great Britain fighting the Champion of England for that era's undisputed championship of the world, only to be ultimately cheated out of the victory by a society that could not tolerate an alternate outcome.
A historical, powerful, unforgettable account of the first self-proclaimed “Champion of America” who, in the year of 1810, should have been the first black boxing champion of the civilized world, nearly 100 years before legendary Jack Johnson became the first black heavyweight champ. Also revealing is the prevalent atmosphere and attitudes of the people, times and places with particular attention to the racial barriers that existed on both shores… how some lived through it – even reveled and prospered – while others were destroyed by it.
2014. 120 Pages. WGAW.
Dec. '14: Semi-Finalist - 2014 Screenplay Festival Screenwriters contest.
Dec. '14: Semi-Finalist - 2014 Screenplay Festival Screenwriters contest.
Logline: Charismatic drifter finds fame, fortune and love with a dead man’s screenplay, but the demands of success lead to kidnap, death and ultimately his undoing.
2014. 97 Pages. WGAW.
PDF copy of screenplay(s) upon request.
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